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Anatomical boards

The anatomical charts in High Definition PDF format are accessible after purchase or for eKorpoReal+ subscribers

Genital anatomy

5 complete anatomical views of the genital tract.

Physiological changes during the menstrual cycle.

No legend.

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Menstrual cycle

Anatomy zoom with legend.

Diagram of the 5 stages of the menstrual cycle.

Translated into French, English and Spanish.

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Dilation of the cervix

Anatomy zoom with legend.

Diagram of the 6 stages of cervical dilation.

Translated into French, English and Spanish.

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Pregnancy - without legend

Timeline of the 9 months of pregnancy.

Anatomical modifications + character experience.

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Pregnancy - with legend

Frieze of the 9 months of pregnancy + corresponding sheets with captioned anatomy zoom.

Translated into French, English and Spanish.

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